Brad Crook

Umbrella Local Expert

Brad Crook



Umbrella Local Expert

Asheville, NC
img +1 (828) 407-8078

About Me

Brad Crook is an Umbrella Local Expert who has worked in various positions including management roles in hospitality and entertainment as well as other small businesses, Brad has gained an understanding of how important it is for small businesses to build a digital presence. He is constantly learning about new technologies and opportunities to help small businesses find solutions for their digital marketing needs.

Working for companies like Muzak as a music librarian and as a manager for successful restaurants and food system corporations has taught Brad valuable insights into the needs of small businesses. Growing up in the southeastern United States, Brad grew up with a tradition of hard working people who believed in being solution finders.

Brad currently donates resources to charities including the V Foundation and Haywood Street Congregation, a community outreach church in Asheville, NC.

In his free time, Brad enjoys cooking, watching sports and tending to his tropical fish tanks.

Brad offers this quote, “There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.” – John F. Kennedy

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